Murphy-Harpst’s Evolve Initiative Highlighted by Local News

WRDW, a local news station in Augusta, GA, recently covered Murphy-Harpt’s Evolve Initiative and its work to support foster children in Georgia. The news story emphasized the critical need for foster homes in Georgia, with 12,000 children currently in foster care and a shortage of available beds. Watch the story below:
Cindy Simpson, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, spoke about Evolve’s focus on providing stable and supportive foster homes for children who are stuck in inadequate living situations, such as hotels and psychiatric hospitals. A grant from the Community Foundation will help Murphy-Harpst provide for the addition of new homes that will each house four children.
“I’m indebted to the Community Foundation for donating to us because we’re now in the Augusta area. It’s all those partnerships within Augusta, that’s made it work,” said Simpson.